Our Story

"Navigating so many restrictions while pregnant was so overwhelming. I thought I had to cut out everything to be a 'good' mum.

That's simply not true.

Women need more information readily available to make their own informed decisions while planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding.

BellyBump Coffee accomplishes this by being chemical-free, naturally low in caffeine and clearly labelling the caffeine content on each bag so women can decide how much caffeine they consume.

We need more companies to care about the complexities of bringing life into this world, and if no one else will do it, us mums need to."

- Stacey, the mum behind BellyBump Coffee®

Scrolled down this far? You may as well read the full story!

As new to-be mum, Stacey, was overwhelmed with information on what to do and what not to do before and while pregnant. And just when she thought she could go back to her previous 'soft cheese, vino, deli meat & coffee' lifestyle after giving birth to her daughter, she found out there were still restrictions on what she could consume while breastfeeding.

The restrictions felt never-ending!

Raised in Melbourne, where the coffee culture is so profound, the worst restriction had to be coffee.

Catch-up with friends? Let's grab a coffee.

Want to have a meeting? Let's grab a coffee.

Need to turn on your work laptop? I need a coffee first.

It was torture to be restricted to one real cup of coffee without exceeding the 200mg daily caffeine limit while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Trying out local and city-based cafes, and buying bags of coffee beans from online stores to find alternative options, only ended up in disappointment. That's when the mum (Stacey) and dad (Craig) behind BellyBump Coffee® decided to search the globe for the world's best tasting, naturally low caffeine coffee beans they could find. And guess what? They did it!

BellyBump Coffee empowers women to make their own informed decisions on how much caffeine they consume before, during and beyond pregnancy 🤍

Try it out for yourself or gift it to a coffee lover mum or mum-to-be!